When John Wick released in 2014 it changed the action landscape in a big way, a film that almost went straight to home video created by a former stuntman has since created an entire sub-genre of copycat films few of which even come close to matching Wick's own consistently great sequels throughout the past decade.

Chapter 4 is quite possibly the best of the bunch. This is the biggest and most ambitious sequel to date and it pulls absolutely no punches in delivering exceptional action set pieces and Wick's trademark stoicism throughout its nearly 3-hour run time.
Without spoiling anything I will say there are some sequences in this film that are absolutely jaw-dropping in their complexity the amount of seamless coordination needed to pull off some of this stuff boggles the mind and every ounce of that effort translates into a spectacular viewing experience.
The addition of action legends like Donnie Yen and Scott Adkins to the cast elevates an already great film into the stratosphere with colorful characters with their own unique approach to violence adding even more variety to each encounter.
I was also struck by just how good-looking this film is, and I don't just mean the cinematography which is excellent, but just the dedication to creating real, beautiful sets to destroy in spectacular fashion and on-location filming that really sets itself apart from so many modern action blockbusters that were clearly completely filmed in a Hollywood backlot and colored in by some overworked, underpaid VFX team.
If you are a fan of action films you absolutely owe it to yourself to go see this in the biggest, loudest theater you possibly can.
10/10 Yea, I'm thinkin he's back.