A Quiet Place was…great fun!

Krasinski's debut film impresses with relentless tension and meticulous attention to detail. While the premise of the movie might seem like yet another 'what if' horror movie scenario, Krasinski elevates the plot by creating human characters that we can identify with and root for, no small feat given how little dialogue there is.
The stakes are established early and the audience is rarely allowed to feel as though the characters are out of danger. Excellent use of music and sound effects combine to create a hair-raising atmosphere that lets up only to scare the bejesus out of you seconds later. The acting is pretty great, Emily Blunt and John Krasinski are convincing as a couple for obvious reasons, and even the children deliver solid performances.
Some things I had issues with: Logic takes a backseat to plot a few times in terms of character choices, but this wasn't excessive. Some of the plot discoveries are overemphasized just so the comatose guy in row nine doesn't miss it, I would've preferred a more subtle approach personally as these moments broke my immersion. There's a big emotional moment towards the end that was actually set up decently well, the only issue I have with it is how obnoxiously long it is, compared to the ultra-realistic approach to this nightmarish setting this movie time moment stands out like a sore thumb and it was a little annoying.
All in all, I thought it was a pretty great horror movie, I'll be sure to watch it again when there aren't a group of sixteen-year-old girls having what seemed like a series of loud seizures next to me.
8/10 I wish the theater could be a quiet place.