John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum is nowhere near as tedious as its title.

John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum is nowhere near as tedious as its title.
This is potentially the best action film that's going to come out this year. Tightly shot, cleverly executed, and memorable action sequences that do not rely on shaky cam and extreme close up to hide poor execution, are definitely the most standout elements of the film. But the storyline of this series has truly come into its own as well, few action films engage in this level of world building to deliver their narratives and John Wick should be celebrated for it. The humor interposed throughout the nonstop action is also quite effective at keeping things from ever getting too oppressively bleak without hampering tension or trivializing the stakes.
In terms of gripes, John's humanity is becoming a bit questionable at this point, the brutal realism of the first film is somewhat lost here, not to say there's no sense of struggle but the John Wick of this film seems far less vulnerable and emotionally invested in his journey. I worry the series will eventually divorce itself from that key part of the franchise if it keeps on this track.
John Wick is a fast and brutal action series that hasn't really missed a beat on its meteoric rise and continues to horse kick the hell out of everything else in its third installment. The fourth is already greenlit and I can't wait to see where they go from here.
8/10 Killtacular
P.S. The Buster Keaton reference was dope, I wouldn't expect anything less with so many stuntmen involved in this production.