Pet Sematary probably should've stayed buried.

The first half is nothing but endless exposition about what essentially amounts to the premise of the film, even the uninitiated would grasp the concept in a few seconds but the film feels the need to beat a dead horse for almost an hour. By the time the film really gets going, it's already over, any emotional impact it might have had is hampered by a conclusion anyone could see coming.
The presentation is competent, but a lot of the more haunting imagery feels underutilized. Jason Clarke is good as the father, but his character has the emotional depth of a turnip while the mother played by Amy Seimetz who’s relegated to a support role has a far more intriguing backstory that never gets fully explored. John Lithgow plays the exposition machine that all lazy horror films seem to lean on, and he seems hamstrung by the material much like Clarke.
Overall the aesthetic design choices are great and the casting is impressive but the direction and the script really keep this from being anything better than mediocre, laden with jump scares and manipulative sound design that tries to make up for poor storytelling the film just ends up feeling shallow and cheap.
4/10 It came back wrong.