Ready Player One was... dull.

The definition of all style no substance. A deluge of pop culture references from start to finish might elicit the occasional smile but it can't save the film from its ponderous exposition, uneven pacing, and a script that simultaneously manages to be incredibly vanilla and still insult the intelligence of its audience at every turn.
The impressive visuals don't extend beyond the CGI world of the Oasis either, most of the scenes that take place in the real world are a godawful chore. The acting ranges from fine to oh god why, though the script sure doesn't help with that.
I went into this with basically no expectations, the book was entertaining pop fiction, but this manages to be more vapid than even that. But hey, if you just want to see a Gundam fight Mecha Godzilla then this has that going for it. I recommend you bring friends and a solid buzz.
5/10 A bad book makes a worse movie, who knew.