Toy Story do you do it Pixar?

This film has absolutely no right to be as good as it is. Most franchises on their fourth installment would be lucky to eke out something passable at best, instead Pixar surpasses their previous film in a riotous, fresh romp with Woody and the gang.
This film has consistently great humor that can be appreciated across all ages, as well as an expertly paced screenplay that rarely overstays its welcome but knows when to let a scene breath. Woody's arc alongside Bo Peep is heartwarming and poignant. The film is about letting go of the past and looking toward the future, which is both kind of ironic and at the same time handled extremely well.
My biggest gripe about this film is that most of the recurring side characters feel underutilized, Mr. Potatohead and the rest of the gang don't really play a major role in the film's events but the film does take that opportunity to introduce new characters, many of which are fantastic. Buzz also felt a little sidelined by Bo Peep but that's just a sacrifice that had to be made to tell this story.
There is yet another delusional toy as the villain this go ‘round, but it's handled differently and, I think, more effectively here. It doesn’t feel like as much of a retread as 3 did.
The animation is some of Pixar's best, the technology and artistry of this medium has come a long way since the first film, and everything looks absolutely gorgeous as a result.
There have been a lot of crappy sequels, reboots, and remakes this summer, this is not one of them.
9/10 I'm proud of you, cowboy.